A couple of weeks ago I posted about how quiet things have been in Steamboat Springs because of changes due to the coronavirus.  Things are still quiet, and now that we are towards the end of quarantine, I’ve discovered a few things.

First, active Steamboat locals are hard to contain.

Local folks all have their favorite activities.  Take these activities away and what happens?  We go outdoors and find other things to do.  Being inside so much, and being unable to go to the gym, happy hour, lunch, or hot springs, locals have been going outside.  There have been so many people in my neighborhood that I have never seen before.  Couples, singles, families all taking time to enjoy Spring weather.  Mostly I see folks riding bike and walking.  

Surprising me is the number of runners out and about.  I have been a runner in the past and I know to be training for Summer started months ago.  This week, I have seen more persons training than ever.  This is odd to me because I just don’t see training inside for running as helpful as outside.  This being said, the persons running could easily be working out for health and not competition.

Second, locals in Steamboat are still quite positive about the future.

Being positive right now can be difficult.  The Coronavirus in Steamboat Springs has been limited.  Yes, we have some cases.  What is really fun to see is how persons are connecting with each other through technology, smiling and talking to each other from a safe distance when finding friends out on a walk, and more.  As well, when I am connecting with friends via Zoom or FaceTime, the conversation is quite positive.  We talk about how things are going well, cooking great food, poke fun at the government, and go over possible plans for being active.

And last, Steamboat Springs adapts easily.

Though this is the first pandemic for all of us, Steamboat Springs adapted to protocols quickly.  I’m guessing this is what really caused us to see a limited affect from the virus outbreak.  We have been very sensitive to second home owners visiting.  And we have been sensitive to families – not just those in need of food or financial help – but also to those who are lonely, bored, and feeling cramped inside.

The town, and county, have been quick to respond to changes in regulations.  Businesses moved strategically to keep employees working as much as possible.  And people were friendly through rough times at the grocery.

Living in Steamboat Springs through the odd and curious times of Coronavirus has been good.  I am sure there are numerous places to enjoy being quarantined.  Steamboat Springs has been an excellent place to be during these months.